Invisalign Vs. Braces: Which Is Right For Me?

If you want a straight smile and a healthy bite in Kyle, TX, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Dr. Tessler has helped many patients get the smiles of their dreams through several quality orthodontic methods. The two most popular ones?

Invisalign and braces, of course. Learn the key differences between them below and which one might suit you best.

Understanding Invisalign 

Invisalign is a type of clear aligner that slowly repositions your teeth and leads to a straighter smile. Most people are interested in this orthodontic treatment because of its discretion, but that’s not the only great thing about it! 

Invisalign pros:

  • Easy cleaning: The removable trays are simple to clean. You only need to scrub them at night with a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear aligner solution, and that’s it;
  • No diet restrictions: You need to remove the trays before you eat or drink anything other than plain water. This means that you can enjoy all your favorite treats while on Invisalign without worrying.
  • Less pain: The amount of pressure Invisalign puts on your teeth is smaller when compared to braces, which means you’ll experience less pain throughout your treatment; 

Invisalign cons:

  • Treatment limitations: Invisalign works for minor to moderate malocclusions, but severe cases may still require braces;
  • Treatment outcome: Your results depend on how well you comply with your treatment, such as cleaning the trays and wearing them for at least 22 hours a day. If you don’t, you may get lackluster treatment results.

Understanding Braces

Set it and forget it! Braces are one of the most commonly used orthodontic treatments. It can effectively address most types of malocclusions and is appropriate for patients of almost all ages.

Braces pros:

  • Can tackle severe cases: Braces can often treat malocclusion cases that Invisalign can’t;
  • Great treatment results: As a fixed appliance, you don’t have to worry about accidentally affecting your results;
  • More affordable: While cost can depend on several factors, braces cost less on average than Invisalign.

Braces cons:

  • Very visible: Braces can create more self-esteem issues because they are impossible to ignore;
  • Difficult to clean: While on braces, you’ll need to stop eating certain foods that can become trapped between the wires and brackets. This can include popcorn, crackers, or sticky foods. Even so, braces can be difficult for patients to properly clean.

How to Determine If You Need Invisalign or Braces

Both braces and Invisalign are highly effective ways to give you a straighter smile and a healthier bite. But the only way to know which one is the right solution for you is to see Dr. Tessler for an appointment. 

During it, you’ll get your bite and tooth alignment checked out to see which treatment will provide you with the best results.

Get the process started by requesting a visit to Kyle Orthodontics online, or call our office at (512) 262-7895 for more information.

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