What Do I Do If My Invisalign Trays Are Not Tracking

Invisalign is one of the most popular types of orthodontic treatments. It provides great results while also allowing patients to follow a discreet and more comfortable treatment plan.

Even though the process is much simpler than with braces, patients do need to follow some rules to ensure their treatment proves successful. One issue they may encounter is that Invisalign trays are not tracking.

Here’s how to deal with this problem:

What Does It Mean When Invisalign Trays Don’t Track? 

Invisalign trays work by applying pressure to your teeth to move them to a better position and correct your alignment issues or bite. To do that, the trays need to fit perfectly over your teeth; otherwise, there won’t be enough pressure. 

When Invisalign trays don’t track, it usually means they are loose or not properly making contact with all your teeth. Some potential causes for this include:

  • Patient compliance: Invisalign must be worn for at least 22 hours every day. Failing to do so may lead to the trays not tracking. All your treatment trays are pre-designed based on your tooth scan, but when you don’t wear the aligners, your teeth don’t move at the pace predicted by the treatment.
  • Damaged aligners: Invisalign is made from a special type of clear plastic, which means it’s sensitive to heat. If you expose them to hot water or foods, they can change their shape and loosen.
  • Tooth movement: In some cases, a patient’s teeth will move at different paces, which may affect how subsequent Invisalign trays will fit.

What to Do If Your Trays Aren’t Tracking 

Here are some things you can try if your Invisalign trays aren’t tracking:

1. Use chewies

Chewies are rubbery tubes you can chew on to help the trays fit your teeth. Doing so can apply pressure to Invisalign and push them to cover your teeth properly.

You can practice these chewing exercises a few times a day to help the teeth track.

2. Follow your treatment

Try to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours every single day to avoid more issues with your treatment. You should only take them out when you eat, drink, brush your teeth, and clean your trays.

3. Try backtracking

Backtracking means going back to your previous Invisalign trays. However, it’s important you only do so after you discuss it with your orthodontist, who may want to review your treatment to ensure you’ll get the best results.

Find Out If Invisalign Is Right for You 

If you’re dealing with tooth alignment problems or an unhealthy bite, Dr. Tessler can help you find out if Invisalign is the right solution for you.

Request a visit to Kyle Orthodontics online and stop by to discover your options.

Have more questions about Invisalign or our other services? Call our office at (512) 262-7895 today for a short chat.

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